Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Man ......had my english prelim paper 2day!!! Boy The paper was damn easy accept 4 paper 1 which had that stupid compo!!The aim was to tell my cousin where he can wear flippies and where he can't!!!I mean hw the hell do i do my compo so hard i was like thinking and thinking but cannot get ideas!! I was so damn pissed with the paper!!!!The 1st time i cudn't get any ideas 4 compo!!Ar nvm bt paper 2 was easy so easy that it was a breeze!!! So yea!!!
Lately my minds keeps playing this song fall for you !! After listening 2 dollys theme song and i was like man the song damn nice!!! Even when i bathing or going to sch that song keeps playing in my head!! Man i love that song!! juz can't seem 2 get the song of my head!!!
Espically this part "Hold Ur breath coz tonite wud be the nite that i wud fall for you over again!! dun't make me change my mind coz i wun't leave to see another day i swear it's true coz a girl like u is impossible 2 find!!!!"
Yipee!!!.........I bought another 2 more pairs of skinny jeans!! A black and a brown jeans!! And i love it!!!So hapi at least i dun haf 2 buy my jeans for the time being!!! Hehehehehe!!!And i also had a nice meal for dinner!! Stingrays and Satay!! Boy they were delicious l!!! It 's been a long time since i tasted stingray!! and the stingray was damn fleshy!!! MMMM!!! SO nice!!!! haiz.....the sad thing is my handphone is spoilt!!if nt i wud be able to take pictures of my meal and upload it !!!!And i Nw cannot sms nor listen 2 music nor call people!! sad! the worst part is i onli get my pay end of the month which is nxt week thursday!! then onli can repair!!! And i found a shop that repairs my phone at onli $55 quite cheap for an lcd screen that is damaged!! so yea!!! Juz few more days till payday!! As well as my prelims!! Scaryy!! The thought of prelims is gonna drive me crazy!! Sure die!!
Man....Haven't been blogging this few days !! Was damn sick!! Dwn with flu and was super tired!!! Didn't noe y!! And on top of that i have been getting into a lot of trouble with my cpa teacher!!! She keep catching me when i talk!! Can't blame me wat!! Her lesson is super boring and juz nice i and my friend noe hw 2 do the work she ask!!! It's all typing and excel!! so y can't i tok when she is teaching???Then she dun catch the others tok onli catch me!! This whole week she keep catching me!! Hw u expect me 2 listen when the whole thing is super boring??? Hw i wish my old cpa teacher was back!! She teaches more better that the new teacher!! I hate her lesson!!!
Man....It sucks!! 2day i gt so pissed off with bruno's brother( Brian) For disturbing me !! i gt so damn pissed that i hated him and myself for that moment!! Bt i was still damn angri with him!! As they he and brandon kept making fun off my freaking lips!!! Even though i never see brandon doing the action of my lips bt behind my back he was doing the action!!! I hate myself why the fuck muz i haf bigs lips ??? Y is my fault!! Y can't people stop disturbing me ???Y??? I was damn pissed and felt so hurt!!! Even though bruno came 2 like cheer me up!! I juz lied 2 him saying i was sleepy!! Bt actually i was already crying in my heart!! As 2 y am i like this!!! Y can't i be lik chris or bruno??? Someone people wud tok 2 and haf the ability 2 joke around??? Y is it that when i open my mouth people start making fun off me!! Be it in sch or outside sch!!! I juz can't stand it !!! I feel so sad bt i was controlling my tears as i was in the bus!!!I decided 2 get down at the next bus-stop and walk home after the other guys had gone down!! and as i walked i cried i cudn't control myself anymore!!! It's been years since i last cried!!! And i hated it !!! I juz feel so sad and lonely!!Hw i wish they wud stop making fun of my lips!! Bt i doubt they wud do that!! Y wud they even bother about me!!After all i am juz a nobody!! i m juz a guy with the big lips!! From my point of view thats hw i thing they see me!! So y shud i even bother opening my mouth!! Might as well keep it shut!!! And juz ignore everything!! I juz wish at that moment i had a basteball bat or smt!! Then i wud jzu take the stick and whack that guy up!!!! I hate it!!!!I jyz feel so sad!!!
Man .....I had a roungh day 2 day!!! And it sux a lot!!!! Had my mt "N" Level oral!!! And i suck!!! I cannot speak at all!! Then i was like!!! I panicked sia !!! Doin mt oral!!! Bt well i still finished it !! The onli thing i noe was how to read!! So that was quite a relive!! 2me!! And belive me it ain't fun at all as i had 2 go 2 some other sch instead of my own sch!! And it was at woodlands sec sch!!!!
The school there veri big!! And So hard 2 find the toilet!! 1 of the cleaner there kept shouting at me when i ask where is the toilet!! Weird lady!! MAybe she didn't understand wat i said or ask!!! 2 find 1 toilet it took me at least abt 15 mins!!! Quite long and the school was damn big!! But the onli thing gud abt that sch is that the food and drinks are damn cheap !!! I was like wth !!! My sch drinks more expensive sia!!! Then i was like all alone when i was going back!! Coz some of them left without Me!!Bastard sia!!! Well ended up going alone!! And damn tired!! So yea!!!I nid my sleep!!!!!!
Man ...... 2day was damn funny !!! I cudn't stop laughing during maths!! Well wat reli happened was that we bought a box of chocolate!!! And we were eating it during maths class!! Well we got caught eating but luckily the teacher never scold us!! Instead he confisticate then he ate it in front of us!! Cheap sia!!! ( Well that ain't the funny part!!!!)
We had secretley bought laxtive pill( The pill that makes u shit!!) Oh but we didn't dilute the chocolate!! Instead we placed it in some empty sweet box and juz nice we purposely gt it confisticated !!! And well he didn't ate it at 1st as he he saw it was chewing gum!! Then we ask him y u never eat!!! He go and say eat later coz cannot swallow!! We say this chewing gum can swallow!!! So no nid 2 wori!! We told him that was a breath mint sweet!!! Well he pop a pill into his mouth!! and chewed it!!! and he said that nt so nice 2 eat bt can taste the mint!!!We were down there laughing like hell!!! I laughed and laughed till tears come out!!! Coz he eventually swallow it down But 2 bad we cudn't see the effect!!!As lesson had ended!! Bt well we shud eventually Figure out that he wud end up in the toilet!! So yea!!! We laugh and laugh!!! 1 more thing we found out was that He wud share the pills with his colleagues so that make us laugh even more!! The thought of teachers going 2 the toilet was damn funny!! Due 2 the fact that most of them are the hod(Head of department) or maybe the discom members!! So yea!!! It's quite funny!! A day 2 laugh till out stomach hurts!!!
It's been 2 days since my last blog entry!! Was down with flu!!! Well now also i still have flu!! So yea!!! It sucks to have flu so hard to smell stuff,enjoy ur meal and all!!! Couldn't take it as it's was damn hard for me to smell!!!! or breathe!!!
Haiz.....School sucks a lot !! Miss 1 day in school and thats it !! U gonna have trouble catching up!!! Espically the angles thingy with some angles of depression/elevation!!! The depression parts is more like sending me into a depression mode as i find it hard to do!! And it stinks big time!!!
Another thing was i injured my knee yesterday!! And it hurt!! While i was trying to leap on to something!! and boom fall down!! Ouch!!! It was like at 1st nth then few minutes later it hurt a lot!! Went home had to ask my mum to massage!!! so it was quite painful!!!
Well 2day.... i had a fight during mt class!! Lets juz say that i gt irritated with the guy hu was seating beside me and disturbing me!! So i went and disturb him back!! Guez wat the fight started and basket it was stop half way!! Well the guy was damn fat and damn hard to whack !! Whack oso no point and 4 my side i was like trying to whack him bt he like nth sia!! I Ended up with a torn pocket while he didn't !!! As if nth happened like that!!!! And of all things My mt teacher had to do was to make me promise nt 2 start the fight outside class!! And she kept repeating dun fight outside or smt!! Well a promise is a promise!! So yea!!! Bt the next time i sure gonna disturb him like hell!!!
Haiz......Wat a tiring day i had!!! Went 4 my cousins graduation ceremony!!! And boy oh boy we were in the vip seats!! As my cousin was the valididoctirain or smt Bt were were in the vip seats!! And boy oh boy was the 1st part of the graduation ceremony boring!! It was so boring that i caught a flu during the ceremony!! And it was damn cold!!! Luckily towards the end my cousin was the speaker and boy oh boy did she wake everyone 1 up!! With her speech!! nt bad eh!!! 4 the whole day we had vip treatment!! And it was damn nice!! I felt as if i was some rich kid !! Hu's needs are being taken care off!!! i had sushi for my lunch and many more stuff!! And drank fruit cocktail!!! And it was nice!! Bt the most tiring part was waking up!! And it's youth day 2 day!! So in a way most of my time was taken up for the graduation ceremony!! And it was worth it !!! Beats staying at home alone!!! Well i am so tired that i gonna go take a nap!!! Yawn!!!!!!
And 2morro Gonna go 4 my cousin Graduation ceremony!! In the morning!!! At around 8am!! haf 2 be there!!! And i am going 2 get a vip seat!!!! Wohoo!!! I feel so important!!!! Well lets see wat happens 2 morro!!!
Man today Cathekism class stink !! Y ?? Coz we were losing in the bible crze we gt 10 points only when the whole thing finish!! Was quite sad though!!! Coz we lost !!! sad!!!
Then went to causeway point after that !! There were tons of people!! Was quite crowded!! as they had some recycling thingy and some shows!! and all!! Then after that we went to metro.We went to the kiddy section and played 4 ewhile!! Then nana went and played with the electonic keyboard!! And she was like damn gud !! Espically when she played the rugrats theme song!! It's been a long time since i heard the rugrats theme song!!! It makes me want to watch rugrats all over again!!! Then after that We went to the barbie dall section or smt!!! and there we were like guessing which is which and all!! Bt there was 1 time when nana go play with the helicopter!!!! well wat happened was that i was trying to see which 1 is the 1 that was working coz there were 2 and ended up when i switched on the switch 4 the helicopter nana go and move the controls!! Then nearly hit me!! 2 times in a row it happened that i was like !!! wahhhhh!!!! bt hu cares quite fun actually!!!! We were oso seeing the stuff and all and nana ended up chossing her birthday gift!!! hahaha!!! And i ended up taking notes!! Coz later i and brandon 4 get!!! Lolx!!!!
Then went to burger king and all!! Ate our dinner and started walking to the 962 bus-stop!! We left at around 9 .15pm then when we were seating at the 962 bus-stop!!! and instead of taking the 962 bus i decided nt 2 so ended up chatting with brandon and chris!!! and took the bus at aroubd 10.15 or 10.20!!! Reached home and was damn tired!!!!so yea!!!!
Yay!! Finally i deliver all the newspaper at the correct house and i beat my record time by 5mins!! Which i normally take at least 1 hr 10 mins 2 deliver all the papers bt 2 day took 1hr 5 mins nt bad slowly i can do it withing 45 mins!!Yea!!!
Had a tiring day 2 day!! My sch had some anti-gambling crap!! and we had 2 go 2 the prayer hub !! In a way it was fun and nice!! Bt wat i hated most was the chapel session coz it ended up becoming a talk abt gambling and it was sooooooo damn boring!!!! I was like wah !! Waste time might as well i skip chapel and all bt 2 bad attendance is taken!! Sad!!!
Today i also went to the library!! with brandon,bruno,brian and me!! We were supposed to do some bible study but ended up reading comics and playing psp!!! Hahaha!!!! Went to mac as well !! i brought my frappe!! I love the Double Chocolate Frappe!! It's so nice!!Normally i prefer getting my frappe frm causeway point basement!! It's more nicer and better there!!!Yea!!!I also wasted time going home !! Didn't want to go home bt 2 bad 2 morro gt to deliver paper again in the morning!! Then can sleep !!!! After that!!!Oh Ya i 4 got while walking home 2say i crossing the pedestrian crossing then out of no where some car juz came and honk at us while i was walking!! Anyhow go honk at people!! I gt like damn pissed off 4 ewhile!! That 4 that moment i wished gt 1 stone beside me I sure take it and throw at his car!! teach him a lesson!! No patience!! Inconciderate people!!!hate it !!
Man....I hate my bike handle!!Got blisters this morning!!!! from riding my bike while delivering paper!!!!And today was a boring and slow day!! It actually suck a lot espically during mother tounge!!! As i had to speak in tamil!!!!Man i suck at it!!!
And today during Form teacher Contact (FTC) time !!! I went and disturb my teacher!!! He was damn stupid!!I puroposely ask him if today go home at 11.40!!!!He say yes!!!Damn stupid lor!!!By right we finish at 12.40!!!Then he anyhow say yes!!!!Then he paisey anyhow come and scold me!! Bloody Gay!!! Say dun use my name!!! Then blah blah!! and all!!! Then my teacher was carrying a thumbdrive around his neck!!! So valerie when and ask if the thumbdrive gt porn!!! Guez wat he say!!! He go say yes!! Then we burst out laughing!!! Funny sia!!
ohh 2day i gt back my english compo as well!! and i failed !!! dunno y!! By rite i shud haf pass!!! But it seems that i am not supposed to write a story for my compo and i went and write!! Can't blame me i was half awake when i was doing the compo!!! But wat i wrote made sense!!! But 2 bad nt students dun reli haf to write stories!! So yea!!!Sad!!!
Man!! .......Had a rough day today!!! I had to take up the job of delivering newspapers!! and had to travel on a bike !!and since it's my 1st day at work i got lost at some of the places and ended up not placing a newspaper at 1 of the house!!! Can't blame me !! I m new to this job!! The bad thing about it is that you have to wake up early!! But on the bright side u get to earn $150 a month at most and haf to onli work for an hour !! Not bad right???well thats the advantage!! So yea!!!
And today i got damn pissed off as i was forced to play badminton it suck a lot!!coz i now suck at playing badminton so they are taking the oppturnity to defeat me whenever they can!!!I hate them!!But then i decided to just walk them to the bus-stop and let them take the bus !! So that i can go home straight!!! hehehe!!!
Wohoo.......Today i also fixed my bike!!!! which is only half done!!! Juz left the colours and a bit more!! Well that can wait!!! As i can do it 2morro!! and at least i got smt 2 keep me busy!!!Hehehe!!! Well i am gonna go take a nice early rest so that i can wake up early tomorrow!!
Man i feel so bad sia.......was supposed to go to the library!!! Bt halfway got canceled!!! coz the library is closing at 9pm and we were meeting at 8pm so we decided to cancelled the programme off!!!! but u muz be wondering y i feel bad coz i promise to meet chris but halfway i didn't go as the programme was cancelled and chris was waiting for me!!!so yea !! In a way i feel bad!!!
Today another thing happened 2 me as well!!!! I injured my arm!!!I guez it's a mild sprain or smt!!!so yea!!! but actually it hurts a lot in a way as whenever i am writing stuff or smt my arms wud hurt and to be more presise it is my right arm!!! and it's the onli hand i use for writing and all!!! My left hand well i can't write with my left hand as i dunno how but i am trying to figure a way to use my left hand for writing!!! and i played with a rubiks cube yesterday a 2 by 2 and i found out i cudn't do it i cud onli do 2 sides at most man i suck!!! Then i saw a teacher did 2 by 2 in like 2-3mins man that was quite gud and i was damn shock !!!! Well yea !! Planning to buy my own rubiks cube so i can play with it and learn how to do it !! As it is a mind game !!! so yea!! Maybe when i saved enough then i buy my own rubiks cube currently now out of cash!!! Coz i juz spent it so yea!!!
Born in :15Feb1992
Currently single!!!
Currently studying at Ite Simei!!
Loves: Partying with friends(Depend on hu they are!!!)
Loves playing guitar!!!
Currently learning!!
Love Slacking!!!
Love Sleeping!!!
Love to write Emo poems sometimes !!!!
Love movies that do breakdancing!!!,hip hop and more!!!
Loves my Handphone
My computer!!!
I will die if i dun haf 1 of these!!!
Love god !!! Without him it's different!!!
Loves praise and worship!!! It rox!!
Love alcohol!!! Quite nice!!!
love 2 talk a lot!!!
A laptop
A new bike
A brand new desktop(Custom made by me)
Roller Blades
learn dancing
To dance under the stars and moon(Full Moon)
Get my car license when i turn 18
lots of Money
so many more ....
zhi rui
Lee hong
Kiam ping
Jeremy Ng
jin pei
Amanda teo
Stephanie Eric
If i miss out any of u guyz...sori...!!
Bao Ying
Johnathan (Ite simei)
Lee Hong
Sing yi
Wei liang
Wei Loon
|ll|ll|l||ll||ll|l|ll| mervin07's©
layout: mervin07's
picture: photobucket
brushes: fakedtragedy
X-BLOGGERS productions.